How to Add Google Search Script

For those of friends - friends who want to add a search facility for younger readers find files in your own blog or other website from your blog today could very easily be said because Google already provides the facilities. How you can start with step - the following steps:

1. Login or Login to your Blogger
2. Select Design
3. Select the Add a Gadget
4. Select Search Box
5. Click the button you want to specify, would seek it in your blog or from another website or blog
6. Finally select the save button at the bottom of the column

For those of you who already have a Google Adsense account you can add Adsense for Search facility through your account and Andapun here will get revenue from each visitor to click from the search results are displayed following way:
1. Sign in or Log into your Google Adsense account
2. Select the AdSense Setup
3. Choose AdSense for Search Improved
4. If you select Only sites I select you must enter a URL or Web address / blog you want on the Select Sites in the column below, then search results are displayed is from a web page / blog that you entered earlier and also from google ads only

5. In the next column or columns Optional Keywords enter keywords or keywords as you want
6. The next step click Continue
7. Here, you can choose according to taste your Search Box
8.Disini you can choose Open results Within my own site for the search results will be displayed in blog / web

9. In the field enter the URL enter the URL of blog / web where search results will be displayed

10. Choose a location and then add the Continue button
11. Next enter search engines such as Google Yahoo or the other and press Get Code

12. On the Search Box Code Box Copy and definitely the gadget Javascript / html your
13. In the Search Results Code (This script is useful to show where the search results page will be displayed in blog / your website, copy and surely this box on gadgets Javascript / html your
14. Finally do not forget to click save

Hopefully these tips useful for you 

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