[Stomper Intelligence Report] The Video Squeeze...

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~Issue Number Nineteen~
Sept 2, 2011  [Next Issue: Sept 9, 2011]

Hello Friend,

Video can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your online business. It doesn't take a lot of fancy equipment to make a video that can add credibility and trust to your product or service. It also doesn't take a lot of money. You just have to produce something with solid content and good audio.

You can use video in an ad, you can use it in your website, and in today's Stomper's Intelligence, we're going to show you how you can use it in your squeeze page.

Read our Stomper Intelligence Report on The Video Squeeze. And remember, take action this week and implement video in to YOUR Internet business.

Talk soon,

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"It used to be that if you wanted sophisticated marketing tools,
you had to be rich. That's not the case on the Internet.
Anyone can compete, just at different levels."

~Chris Baggott, Compendium Blogware


By Paul Colligan

What if you could add a single process into your Internet Marketing efforts that resulted in better conversion? A process that also automatically sifted and sorted your user base, was easier to produce than the alternative, and had a list of side bonuses with no additional efforts?

In truth this article is about two things: the "squeeze page" (which I'll call a "squeeze" from this point on) and the addition of a video element to the squeeze page process. The strategy behind the squeeze is solid and the addition of video allows your audience to quickly know, like and trust you - all of which are essential elements to closing any and every sale.

Closing that sale, through squeeze methodology, only happens when you have their name and email address - and that's accomplished through a successful squeeze page.

Let's face it, video on the Internet is very 'sexy' right now - leveraging it in the squeeze page process will produce some very interesting results.

About the squeeze...

The concept behind a squeeze (also called a 'list grab') is simple: send your audience to a page that only has one option - the entry of an email address. Sometimes a squeeze page will also ask for a name (or additional pieces of information) but the end game is always the same - get the user to give you the info you need to market to them on a regular basis - not just the one time option provided by the existing page.

Because there are no options on a squeeze page other than information collection, the % collected are considerably higher than in any other medium. I've seen squeeze pages that convert as high as 80%.

Some marketers are a bit nervous about using the squeeze for one simple reason - they're concerned that they can't put enough information on a squeeze page to get a user to know, like and trust them enough to "make the sale" - or convert in whatever way is desired.

While this is an understandable concern, the facts are simple: if a user doesn't trust you enough to give you their name and email address, you'll never convert them to anything else.

So, don't worry about people who won't give you their email address (because some won't, no matter who you are), worry about the people who will.

The goal of a squeeze page is to sort the audience between people who will trust you with information and those who won't. You end the short process with a list of people hungry for your marketing messages.

Truth be told, most pages try to pull that off via nothing but text. Whereas, yes, I get the irony of pointing out the limits of such in print, it is still important to point out that anything you can do to speed up that process is recommended highly. You'll often see squeeze pages with pictures, audio, and video that all support the end goal of collecting user information. Obviously, we'll focus on the integration of video here.

We're a visual world. People respond to visuals and place a considerably higher value on them over other forms of media. Video is the top player in visual communications for the simple reason that is in fact multiple frames of visual content per second. Consider how many people watch news on television versus read the paper and how many suddenly jumped on the iPod bandwagon once they introduced video and ... do the math.

For those who eat, sleep, drink the world of Internet communications, we often forget that the "average" user doesn't. These are the ones who visit Google to do a search on "www.google.com" (it's almost always in the top ten) and the squeeze page often encourages them to "submit a form" or complete other tasks that simply weren't part of anyone's lexicon ten years ago. With video on a squeeze page you can explain the process, even point to the form elements. By showing your face, you make it personal, and conversions go up considerably.

You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to fill out a simple form. But you know what? Your warm face online, walking them through the process, changes everything.

So, how is this done? It's actually much easier than you'd expect...

You 1) produce the video and 2) publish it online. Once that's done you 3) embed the video using a video player on your squeeze page and 4) collect information accordingly.

FYI, a video squeeze almost always has the video set to play the second the page loads.

Word of caution: your video has to demonstrate the trust you are asking your visitors to demonstrate. Post video worth leaving your name and email address for.


The numbers in a squeeze process are considerable. Instead of having a single chance to convert a buyer to a single product, adding them to a mailing list gives you as many chances as you can email. Even if you can only get one out of every four people who visit your squeeze to give you their name and email, the lifetime access to that customer is exponentially more viable (and potentially profitable) than the single-minded approach of one-off pages that so many employ.

Another great thing about squeezes is that they quickly let your marketing decisions become as simple as running numbers. If you know your page converts 40% (low) and it costs a dime to bring someone to that page, you now know that adding someone to your list costs forty cents. You can then determine if you can make more than 40 cents per name on the list. If you can, you run as many dime clicks through that page as possible. If you can't, you refine the process until you can.

The numbers change dramatically when you can convert more people on your squeeze page. Video will help. That is what the rest of this piece is about (oh yeah, with a bonus trick too).

Quick Recommendations...

I'd like to offer some additional simple suggestions for creation of video content:

First of all - the video player is crucial - not only must it auto-play without any interaction from the user, it also must not advertise anything else other than the video you are playing. Using the (traditional) video player from a popular video hosting service (no matter how cool) will result in lost conversions. In short, if your users can go anywhere or do anything on the player, you need to find one that works. More on that in a second.

Secondly - audio is more important than you think. A great looking video with bad sound makes you look bad. Looking bad has a way of decreasing conversions. 'Nuff said.

Finally - the video doesn't have to be a special effects spectacular. In fact, this could distract your audience.

Some of the best (most effective) video squeezes are a simple, well-lit face with good audio explaining why they should sign up accordingly.

Remember, the squeeze (video or other) has one simple purpose: get the user to enter their email address (and often name). That is the single purpose of the page. Explain how great the product is later - after you have their address.

Nothing makes more sales than an email - and we don't expect that to change - for a long time.


To pull off a squeeze you need a 1) page to place the squeeze on, a 2) video player (without distractions) and 3) an automated email collection and management system.

Page: To be as effective as possible, your squeeze needs to be on a single page without any other links on it. While this can be done in a Blog, the "hacks" required to move all links from a blog is considerably more complicated than creating a simple HTML squeeze page.

Video Player: As mentioned above, the player must not have any other options on it than playing the video - and playing it automatically. Third-party players usually won't do this for you. Find one that does.

Automated Email Collection: I believe there are really only two options in the email game anymore. Aweber or InfusionSoft.

The YouTube Squeeze Twist...

This one is good.

Are you ready?

Place your squeeze page video on YouTube.com.

Paul, doesn't their player do all the things you said not to do above?

Yes, their player does.

There are other players that play YouTube video - without all the YouTube nonsense?

Yes, there are.

But, wait, Paul, if I did that, I could a) get free hosting of my video and b) get credit in YouTube views every time someone viewed my video at a squeeze?

Yes, you could ...

Paul, really, how does that work?

Click here and you'll see a YouTube video that explains all.

Heck -- with the YouTube QuickCapture Feature (Google it), you can even record right to YouTube without having to edit a thing on your desktop. Remember what we said about high quality videos though.

Oh, and about the people who find your video on YouTube.com proper, include a little something for them so they can find their way to your squeeze page as well. YouTube annotations, a verbal welcome to the domain name hosting your squeeze, and a link in your YouTube description can help pull that off.

In Summary:

The squeeze builds your mailing list faster than anything else out there. If you aren't using squeezes - start TODAY.

Anything you can do on your squeeze to get more people to know like and trust you, the better off you are. Video is one easy way to do that and should be implemented immediately in any squeeze plans you have planned - or have in production. Have the video play automatically when the user visits the page and walk them through the process of signing up for your information. This will increase your conversions (and later, profits) considerably.

The YouTube Squeeze Twist will host your video for free and get your video views counted on YouTube. It's the best of both worlds and leaves you, dear reader, without an excuse!


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  • Use a good video player
  • Make sure your audio is outstanding
  • Don't worry about special effects
  • Use a premier automated email collection system
  • Don't forget the YouTube Squeeze Twist


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Sept 9, 2011


WEDNESDAY, September 1st @ 3pm Eastern

"How You Can Boost Your Business With eBooks - The 7 Secret Tricks You NEED To Know!"
with MJ Schrader & Renee Corbett

Join MJ and Renee on this Question and Answer session as they discuss how ebooks can help your business. Listen in as they discuss some quick ways to get your ebook written and the variety of ways you can use them to grow your business, and find out how giving away THE RIGHT KIND of ebook could be the fastest and easiest way to boost your business! StomperNet Members: Register Now!


THURSDAY, September 8th @ 3pm Eastern

"So You Want To Write An eBook?"
with Suzanne Roese-McGee

Join Suzanne and learn how to go from an idea to a finished product even if you are not a writer.  Register Now!

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