[Stomper Intelligence Report] Changing Your Habits...

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~Issue Number 26~
  Oct 21, 2011   [Next Issue:  Oct 28, 2011)

Hello Friend,

While we are glad you read our emails, exactly how many times have you checked your email today? How about Facebook? As a business owner, I know it is hard to battle the urge to constantly check on the latest news, emails, and social media, yet this is a battle you want to win!

Trust me that little red number will still be there in an hour. That email will still be there as well. You do not need to do research on every little thing. You do not need to check multiple times a day; this is the type of information overload that has you wondering what happened to the day as the day comes to an end.

This is a problem that faces almost everyone, no matter what they do. Yet as a business owner, your success depends on your productivity. Many people hire a coach to help with productivity, but lucky for you, today's blog post is by one of the StomperNet Coaches, Renee Corbett. She is also our TNE Editor and runs her own business, so she knows how important being productive is.

Remember, work smarter not harder!

Talk soon,

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort."

~ Paul J. Meyer ~

Changing Your Habits
By Renee Corbett

We all have goals. Yet sometimes it seems no matter how many times we write them down, no matter how many times we visualize the goal, we still never seem to make any progress.


It could be as simple as changing your habits. The reason is simple but we all know that changing habits can be very difficult. Here are some tips to help change bad habits and create new ones.

Let's talk about your brain.

In the last twenty years many studies have been done on the brain, and the results have been incredible.

Many studies talk about the conscious and the unconscious brain. According to the book, The Answer, "The conscious brain is the part of the brain that thinks and reasons, the part through which you exercise your free will" and the unconscious brain "is where the great bulk of perception happens: it is where your habits reside, where your accomplishments and achievements take root."

What I glean from that is that habits happen unconsciously, you just do them because that is what you have been doing for a long time. Have you ever completed a task and then thought how did that get done? It just happens because your brain is used to doing that task or habit daily.

What does this mean for you and for you wanting to get rid of some old habits or create new ones? It means you have to beware of your brain. Your brain remembers the way you have done things for a very long time. To change the habit, you must be consciously aware of the old way of doing things, and the new way you want to do things.

Be Consciously Aware

Let's take an example. If you decide you need to make sure you get seven hours of sleep each night, you consciously need to make the effort to go to bed at 11:00 PM if you have to be up at 6:00 AM. If you do not think about this habit you want to achieve, your brain will let the old sleep patterns take over. It takes your brain any where from 27 to 31 days to adapt to a new habit.

At the very least for the next four weeks you will need to tell yourself to go to bed at 11 pm. After awhile this will become an unconscious and natural habit that your brain will adapt and just tell your body at 11 pm, "We are tired and need to go to bed."

Changing habits is no easy task. It takes thought, effort and perseverance. For instance, when I worked for a computer retailer, I was expected to check my email every hour, on the hour, for the latest communications from corporate. I worked there for five years, so when I left there it was the hardest habit to break.
Checking my yahoo email account once an hour was taking me away from what I needed to be focused on.

The very strange part is that I felt like something was missing if I did not check the email; I felt like I was going to get in trouble for missing a very important email. I had to retrain my brain that it was no longer required and that it was a very bad habit. No one needs to look at email once an hour, but it took a good 30 days for my brain to get it. So you see, consciously I got it, but it took my unconscious brain a lot longer to completely understand.

Write It Down

We may have the best intentions, we know we can achieve these goals; we write them down on paper or a to do list. We write it down and then continue to live this day like we did yesterday. To make this goal more real, you need to see it all day long. You need to physically be able to look at the goal throughout the day. Then you need to begin to take action on that goal everyday. This is where you need to retrain your brain.

When you are looking at the goal every day and taking steps toward the goal, your brain begins to see the pattern. The unconscious brain finally gets it, this is the direction you are now moving in.

Here's the simple thing you should do right now. Write down the goal you want to achieve in the next year. Then begin taking action. You will be amazed at your brain and it's power in helping you to achieve your goals and dreams.


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Changing your habits for more productivity is easier than you realize

  • Retrain your brain
  • Be aware of what you are doing
  • Write down your goals


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Oct 28, 2011

NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS: Holiday Gear-Up


WEDNESDAY, October 26, 2011 ~ 1:00 pm Eastern

"The Perfect Customer Lifecycle" with Geoff Zimpfer from Infusionsoft

Join Geoff and learn:
  • A proven methodology to develop your overall marketing strategy
  • Specific questions you should ask about your marketing plan
  • A clear picture of where you can find the low hanging fruit in your marketing and sales
  • Suggestions for the most impactful campaigns you can implement today
  • The motivation and resources you need to start making tactical changes
Register Now!

"StomperNet Open Forum" Fridays at 11EDT

We know everyone has questions about their business or different stumbling blocks. Well we invite you to bring them to the table during our Open Forum. With the combined training and experience of our Coaches you will get the direction you need to get you back on your road to success!

The next StomperNet Open Forum Call with our Professional Coaches happens next Friday at 11am EDT and we hope to see you there! These calls are intended to be live Q&A sessions and playback will not be available.

Let us know your thoughts on today's issue.
Post Your Comments Here

StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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