[Stomper Intelligence Report] Is It Time For A Project Manager For Your Outsource Team?

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~Issue Number 25~
  October 14, 2011   [Next Issue: October 21, 2011]

Hello Friend,

We hope you have enjoyed the past two weeks and learning more about Outsourcing. By now I am sure you see not only how beneficial outsourcing can be, but also how you can successfully find the right people for you and your business.

Having a team of people working for you and your business is a great sign that your business is growing. But, this possibly means you need to grow your team as well. It may be time to start changing how you interact with your team!

Perhaps it's time to find a project manager who handles all of your team or sections of the team. It all depends on your business and your needs. In today's article, Nicole Munoz will help you decide if it is that time and what your next moves should be.

Talk soon!

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"The other part of outsourcing is this: it simply says where the work can be done outside better than it can be done inside, we should do it."

~ Alphonso Jackson


By Nicole Munoz

Last week I said went traveling on a month long vacation. Part of what enabled me to do this for a whole month was knowing that my business is in the good capable hands of my two project managers!

Most business owners only require a few staff members to execute their online marketing. It usually begins with a writer. A link builder or publisher soon follows. And eventually a full-time webmaster and graphic designer come in handy. It is much easier to get things done quickly when your virtual staff is on-demand to your projects and you don't have to continually look for and train new people.

Pretty soon five or more virtual workers are reporting to you and all looking for their next assignment! This soon becomes a full-time job for you! Instead of outsourcing or out-tasking becoming an easy thing that frees up your time, your virtual staff require new projects, feedback about their current assignments, or help resolving roadblocks on their current tasks.

It is time for a project manager!

A project manager can usually not be hired, but rather someone that you can train from within your company. One tip here: When looking to hire a project manager or to train someone to eventually become your project manager, look for someone that knows English and Excel. The workers that are experienced in SEO, link building, and writing, are not necessarily the best for the position of project manager. A project manager does not even have to know a lot about SEO in the beginning. Their job is to follow up with your staff and make sure the work is being completed on time. They also act as an intermediary and trouble shoot any problems that arise.

When your team grows to sufficient size to warrant it, you will soon find that there are not enough hours in the day for your project managers to get things done! When that happens it is time to teach them to delegate! Developing leaders within your organization is not as easy as it sounds. Not all people can delegate easily and not all workers can supervise effectively other workers. Just because your project manager can supervise and manage five people does not mean they can supervise and manage 30. Also the team that you build in the beginning of your business may not be the team you need to build your business further.

Time to Develop Team Leaders

Just as you took the time to develop your project manager, it is now time to develop your team leaders! A team leader has a variety of responsibilities including hiring and firing new workers. This is tricky as this is something even your project manager may not have done before!

Once your organization reaches a certain level, spending time hiring, interviewing, and training new workers is not the best of the business owner's time. You can have a team leader for writers, a team leader for web assistants or publishers, and a team leader for your webmasters and graphic designers. The team leader should be a member of the team also. In other words, your team leader for writers should also be a writer themselves so that they understand all of the procedures that need to be followed.

When you are looking for new team leaders look for workers with initiative. Workers you can trust. On the day I left for my month long vacation my project manager and a web assistant organized a meeting with 14 of our writers.

The web assistant was getting frustrated with the writers not following procedures and she asked permission to organize a meeting to talk to all of them about exactly what the web assistants needed from the writers so that they could more easily do their jobs. The meeting was a huge success with a lot of participation from all and the best part about it was that I did not have to do anything. My participation was not needed or required!

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, the next step is usually to get systems and procedures in place so that you can outsource or out-task some of your routine duties. Remember, if you can pay someone x amount of dollars to do that task, and you choose to do that task, then you are earning that x amount of dollars!

If you are on the fence about outsourcing, now is the time to get off! Make a decision that you will build your virtual dream team of workers so that you can get more done faster!


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Project Manager Tips

  • When managing your outsourcing team becomes a full time job, you need a project manager
  • Look within your team
  • They will act at an intermediary between you and the team
  • When the project managers become overworked, develop team leaders


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, (October 21, 2011)

NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS: Being Efficient


THURSDAY, October 20, 2011 ~ 8:00 pm Eastern

"Coaches Office Hour" with Renee Corbett

Renee has an extensive background in the retail and marketing worlds. Some of her prior work was with Gateway Computers where she was a field marketing manager for the New England territory. Most recently she was the marketing manager for a New England Mortgage Company who had several record years, including a year that saw over a billion dollars in mortgage loans. Renee has been a StomperNet Coach since 2008.

More info to follow! StomperNet Members: Register Now


WEDNESDAY, October 19, 2011 ~ 1:00 pm Eastern

"Faculty Office Hour" with Melanie Benson Strick

Melanie's a brilliant marketer specializing in business growth, team building, and breaking through the 6 figure area into 7, 8, and beyond. Melanie really knows her stuff. She's known as The Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Coach because she knows first-hand how to build a successful, thriving, freedom-based company with her secret weapon -- LEVERAGE. With over 12 years in corporate America and eight years as a business owner, Melanie works exclusively with entrepreneurs who are ready for a "sustainable" lifestyle business. Melanie's clients, who are typically coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, trainers, service professionals and information marketers, average a 172% revenue increase while creating more time for living their dream lifestyle.

More info to follow! Register Now

*NEW* "StomperNet Open Forum" Fridays at 11EDT

We know everyone has questions about their business or different stumbling blocks. Well we invite you to bring them to the table during our Open Forum. With the combined training and experience of our Coaches you will get the direction you need to get you back on your road to success!

The next StomperNet Open Forum Call with our Professional Coaches happens next Friday at 11am EDT and we hope to see you there! These calls are intended to be live Q&A sessions and playback will not be available.

Let us know your thoughts on today's issue.
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StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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