[Stomper Intelligence Report] Increase Traffic with a Change in Website Appearance...

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~ Issue Number 33 ~
  Dec, 2011  [Next Issue: Dec 30, 2011]

Hello Friend,

Have you noticed our homepage, StomperNet.com lately?

If you have been watching it over the past year, you have seen many changes. Some have been major changes, some minor. These changes are intended to get you our guests to notice the website, take action and to come back again.

Traffic is great, but traffic that comes, looks at your page for 5 seconds and leaves is not going to increase your income. You want your traffic to take notice of what you have to offer and to take action.

Additionally, you want your customers to actually want what you are offering and to be able to find it. Have you ever gone to a site and can't find what you are looking for? Frustrating isn't it! Well, with some minor changes to your website, you can help your visitors find exactly what they want without having to look all over the site.

You can also provide them with the type of look that keeps them there and focused on your site. But don't worry... you don't necessarily have to do a complete overhaul of your website to get that traffic. Read Vin Montello's article below and learn exactly what you need.

Talk soon,

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Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"Design should never say, 'Look at me.' It should always say, 'Look at this.' "

~ David Craib ~
401 Design Meditations: Wisdom, Insights,
and Intriguing Thoughts from 150 Leading Designers


By Vin Montello

aah... January will begin clean... empty... with so much promise. Like everything at school upon returning from summer break.

I used to love that feeling of a new school year.

On that day we all have hope; Hope that this year will be different.

The sprucing up of the school sets us up for a "shot at success."

I'd like to give you a similar shot at a successful business year by helping you spruce up your websites for 2012. A little bit of change can be enough to increase your traffic because it spruces up your website and people are drawn to that change.

So what kind of changes can you do that are major enough to cause your potential customers to notice but minor enough to not redo the whole site?

Add some pictures

If you don't have any graphics or photos to help your page "sell," then look to the royalty-free websites. There are a ton of these sites that will sell you professional photos and graphics for what amounts to a dollar or two per piece.

The little known secret is that some of these sites have thousands of graphics you can not only use royalty free, but ones you can download and use "free" free!

That means your site can take a giant leap towards looking more attractive and professional for less than 10 bucks... or in some cases nothing!

Try some strategic highlighting

A yellow highlighter can be your friend when trying to optimize your page for selling. The highlighter is great for "pulling" must see parts of your sales message out so even copy skimmers can't miss them.

But... when highlighting, remember this phrase: "When you draw attention to everything, you end up drawing attention to nothing." Put simply... use your highlighter sparingly!

Add (or change) Color

There are styles and trends in advertising colors that change from time to time. Not as often as fashion changes, but still something you should put some time into. That's why I keep The Big Book of Color in Design on my desk at all times.
It explores how color can be a feeling or feelings. While you may not think of black, yellow and cream as feminine they can be. In fact you probably have seen that combination in the store if not at your home on a bottle labeled Olay.

But if you are trying to portray, like soothing, technological, rich, etc, you can flip to a section with that "feeling." Then you will get numerous examples with exact colors in the exact combinations... with the hex numbers you can punch right into Photoshop!

Freshen up your fonts

As with color, fonts sometimes fall in and out of fashion. We all know by now that the vast majority of time you want to use a sans serif font. Serif - if you don't know are those curly bits on the ends of fonts like Times New Roman or Courier. Sans serif simply means "without serif."

So... your website should probably use a sans serif font, but which one?

That's when Google can be your best friend. Just search for "new fonts," "font trends," or things like that and you'll find page after page of people who know better than either of us. One place I find myself going to find the newest trends in fontage (is that a word?) is www.fontshop.com/blog.

Consider switching over to WordPress

It's getting to the point now where almost no one puts up static html websites anymore. Whether your site is a catalog site, services site or a standard sales letter, it can all be done inside the confines of a WordPress blog.

These days there is a theme or template for anything you want to do with your blog. Just search around for ten minutes and before you know it, your page is not only better looking, but more easily updated.


To celebrate our 5th Anniversary,
we're doing something extra special for you...

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Website Changes that Create Sticky Traffic:

  • Add pictures
  • Highlight special text
  • Add or change colors
  • Change your fonts
  • Switch to WordPress

Let us know your thoughts in a comment!


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Dec. 30, 2011

NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS: Income Continuity


TUESDAY, December 20, 2011 ~ 2 pm Eastern

"Make Lifetime Affiliate Earnings... Gangster Style" with Dan Hollings

* Nothing will be sold on this webinar (it's 100% free)
* You'll receive a $10 Gift Certificate for attending.
* You'll learn how to make money like Al Capone.

Dan says, "I'm going to resurrect the "good ol' days" of affiliate marketing right before your eyes. I'm going to show you how (for a limited time) you can lock in a LIFETIME affiliate fee, on LIFETIME referrals, where every day your referred customers will be offered STUFF THEY NEED at deep, deep discounts - and you'll get paid each and every time."

Register Now

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StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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