Pinterest Updates + Webinar Reminders

Renee's Tip: Time to take Pinterest Seriously!
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Upcoming Events

Coach Renee's Open Office Calls:  Join me  March 19th at 3pm Eastern. Bring your business and marketing questions to table for answers that will have an immediate effect on your business. You can register here:

  ** Reminder** Today's free live webinar
at 4pm EST
Join me and learn how to Find a Product to Sell. 
    I will open up the call for Q & A's as well. 
Don't forget to REGISTER HERE 

Time to take action with Pinterest....

When Pinterest first entered the scene it was poo-poo'd away as just another place to store pictures. It didn't take long for marketers and businesses to catch on the the enormous potential of reaching a large audience. ... for free!  Well, Pinterest just announced the rolling out of their Web Analytics. Now, you will be able to track and know how to use Pinterest in the best way possible for your business. Check out the article here:
Helping you build a better business one tip at at time!

P.S. Feel free to contact me with business questions or concerns and I will work them into my upcoming tips. You can email me at
Find more Business information at

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