Search Engine Facts 30 November 2010

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Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts
30 November 2010 - Issue #449Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts
Welcome to the latest issue of the Search Engine Facts newsletter.

Did you ever want to know which domains have the most backlinks? Worldwide or country by country? Now you can. The online SEO tool suite publishes a free daily updated list of the domains with the most unique backlinks.

In the news: possible changes in paid search marketing, Google continues to experiment with local results, a website ranked higher with negative reviews and more.

Table of contents:

We hope that you enjoy this newsletter and that it helps you to get more out of your website. Please pass this newsletter on to your friends.

Best regards,
Andre Voget, Johannes Selbach, Axandra CEO

1. The top 100 websites with the most backlinks

Did you ever want to know which domains have the most backlinks? Worldwide or country by country? Now you can. The online SEO tool suite publishes a free daily updated list of the domains with the most unique backlinks.

top 100 linksTop 100 USA:

    6. more sites and link details...

No surprise here. It's interesting to see that Google Maps gets more backlinks than Google's main page.

Top 100 Germany:

    6. more sites and link details...

The most linked site in Germany is a domain parking/auction site. The fifth most linked site is the English cooking blog of German blogger Nicole Stich. The blog was mentioned on Time Magazine and many other publications.

Top 100 United Kingdom:

    6. more sites and link details...

    Except for Google Maps, the top 5 sites in the UK are news websites with the BBC at the top.

Top 100 sites by backlinks in other countries:

The top 100 lists are available for many other countries. You can get the full list here. You can also get the top 100 websites with the most backlinks worldwide on the site.

The top 100 pages contain the exact number of unique backlinks (the number of links from different domains) and the Trust score of each website.

Click on a domain name on the top 100 page to get a detailed backlink analysis of the site. You will see the strongest pages of the site, the most used anchor text and much more information.

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2. Search engine news and articles of the week

What's ahead for paid search in 2011?

"Paid search is going to become sexy again ? we've seen PPC products and technologies emerging such as Google's location-based ads, Product Listings, Extensions and Sitelinks. Additionally, Bing and Yahoo! continue to challenge Google, while new opportunities for paid search are becoming apparent, ranging from mobile through to social media."

Google PlacesGoogle Places layout experiments continue

"Whether Google is testing more on Thanksgiving or whether folks are searching more to avoid watching that football game with their relatives, I am not sure. But yesterday two readers of this blog sent me screenshots of different layouts involving Places search. [...]

This result is one that solves a common problem with the current One Box display when Google is not sure if the searcher is looking for a category or a business, often showing the business in a One Box."

New York Times: how negative reviews helped a site to rank higher

"Online chatter about DecorMyEyes, even furious online chatter, pushed the site higher in Google search results, which led to greater sales. He closed with a sardonic expression of gratitude: 'I never had the amount of traffic I have now since my 1st complaint. I am in heaven.' [...]

'I've exploited this opportunity because it works. No matter where they post their negative comments, it helps my return on investment. So I decided, why not use that negativity to my advantage?'"

Editor's note: this is not a long term strategy to promote your website. You should not use it with your website.

Search enginesSearch engines are the number one way to find new products

A new study by ATG found out that search engines are the number one way that people use to find new products. Men (59%) are more likely to rely on search engines to discover new products than woman (47%). You can request the study on the website.

The top Bing searches for 2010

"As 2010 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the year's most popular search trends. While topical items like Swine Flu and Stock Market topped the list in 2009, this year rankings reflects the popularity of celebrity news. This year's most searched for topic was Kim Kardashian which received 20% more searches than the second most popular term: Sandra Bullock."

Search engine newslets

  • How to control Googlebot.
  • Google abandons agency support.
  • Google Maps faces July 2011 deadline on China regulations.
  • Google buys Groupon for $2.5 billion?
  • China directed Google hacking: leaked US documents.
  • Twitter lacks 'clear long term vision' admits new CEO.
  • Google beatbox (humor, click the "Listen" button).

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3. Success stories

"The small investment in IBP is now saving me more than $1500 per month."

"The best thing that I have done was to buy IBP, and only wish I had found it sooner.

I have a website for a dental clinic in Tijuana. As a short term solution, I started with pay per clicks. I have spent as much as $2000 a month, and justified it with the fact that the advertising was producing results that paid for itself.

However, there are seasons when the business drops off, and I would end up spending the same amount for fewer patients, thus eating up my profits.

'If I had had IBP in the beginning, I wouldn't have needed the SEO company.'

I decided to start focusing on SEO. I hired a company to do the initial SEO on my home page. The cost for the optimization for that one page, plus the promise of building 100 back links per month was $4000.

The optimization immediately helped my rankings significantly. Then I found IBP. I decided to use it to optimize my other pages. Through this process, I realized that if I had had IBP in the beginning, I wouldn't have needed the SEO company.

Through IBP, I realized which keywords were truly the best ones, and started focusing on them. Now, several of my secondary pages rank higher than my home page.

'IBP has helped me more.'

As I have learned now how to build back links on my own, I believe that IBP has help me to better optimize my website than the SEO company. I don't need them anymore, and will be cutting them loose as soon as they fulfill their contract.

Of 35 keyword phrases, I now rank on page one of Google on 24 of them. With Yahoo, I rank on page one on about 30 key word phrases. I have cut way back on my pay per clicks, to less than $500 a month, and I have doubled my business.

I can see that the small investment in IBP is now saving me more than $1500 per month, and even more in time."
Jim Crayne,



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4. Previous articles

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