example just like below:
the following steps put google adsense ads amid post:
1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Click layout
3. Edit HTML>> check Expand Widget Templates
4. Download your template to avoid this undesirable
5. Find this code
(It could use the help of ctrl + f, and if you use the code read more, look for code <data:post.body/>
If not successful then upload another template that already downloaded before then replace code with <data:post.body/> because its different templates sometimes different script)
6. Replace the code in step 4 with the code below.
Do not forget to change the text color green. (Paste the code google adsense ads but do not forget to Pharse in advance otherwise ads will not appear)
<div expr:id='"aim1" + data:post.id'> </ div>
<div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">
<! - Your AdSense code here ->
</ Div>
<div expr:id='"aim2" + data:post.id'>
</ Div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var obj0 = document.getElementById ("aim1 <data:post.id/>");
var obj1 = document.getElementById ("aim2 <data:post.id/>");
var s = obj1.innerHTML;
var r = s.search (/ x3C! - adsense - x3E/igm);
if (r> 0) {s.substr obj0.innerHTML = (0, r); obj1.innerHTML = s.substr (r +16);}
</ Script>
7. Save
Now the next step is to put adsense ads in new posts and then use the code and attach / paste in the middle of posting in a place where you want adsense ads come out. Then save and please see the results.
Good luck
How to Add Google Search Script
Tips and tricks Adsense dramatically Increase CTR
200 determinants pagerank (Google pagerank)
About Google Adsense
How to add a script adsense ads into the gadget html / javascript

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