Look at your entire blog. If you provide links anywhere in your blog, make sure you click through all of them to make sure they work. Update your links frequently and change them often; that will bring readers back to your blog to see what kind of new links and information you have put up. Also make sure your website is proofread and spelled correctly. There’s nothing worse than trying to be professional only to have many typos and grammatical errors littering your page. You may also want to open your website in a few different browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox in order to see how your site looks on different browsers. If a certain code you have used doesn’t work in one browser, make sure to eliminate it and use something that goes good with every browser.
Know Your Visitors
Look at your readers. Do your traffic stats show a lot of visitors, yet you have barely any comments on your blog? You want to engage your readers in conversation by providing interesting topics. For example, try putting online survey software on your blog. You can make any kind of survey you want, or even ask your readers what they would like to see on your blog. By asking their opinions, you are showing that you are interested in what they think in order to make your blog successful.
Engage in Commenting
You may also want to try and comment on other reader’s blogs. By commenting on other blogs, you can include a link to your own blog in order to bring traffic to your site. However, make sure that your comments are thought-provoking to the topic and provide some useful kind of feedback. You don’t want to be known as a drive-by commenter, which is a blogger that provides generic comments only to get traffic to his or her blog.
Keep Your Blog Organized
Make sure the information you provide is easy to get to. Nobody wants to visit a blog that has so many links or jumbled information throughout the page that they can’t make sense of anything. Keep it simple and make the information easy to find. If a visitor quickly finds what they are looking for at your blog, they will definitely come back the next time they need information.
By identifying the weaknesses in your blog, you can work to improve it overall to gain traffic as well as thoughtful comments. Keeping your blog regularly updated is a big plus as well. If you frequently provide new information, your blog will be used as a reference site by many.
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