Learning the MarketMeSuite Features

Hi Friend,

It's been 24 hours since you installed MarketMeSuite, the Social Media Marketing Dashboard.

Have you downloaded?
After you registered you should have been sent to download the application. In case you missed it, you can download here:
(you can also use this link to download to as many machines as you'd like!)

Getting started! Have you watched the quickstart video?
You'll want to take a few minutes to watch this quickstart video:

Set up your "MeSigs"
Signatures are a great way to add a personal touch to an update. You can add a hashtag signature on for Twitter:
You can also add a signature on Facebook:

Add Team Members
No confusing pricing per user � just simply create as many users as you like and give permission to the accounts you want them to see. Perfect for managing multiple businesses! Setting up a user takes about 1 minute and we outline the steps here: http://marketmesuite.com/blog/how-to-use-marketmesuites-team-members-feature/

Run a Reply Campaign
When doing a reply campaign you�ll want to really put the time in for the best results. You only have to spend the time to get it set up initially, then you can get SUPER results over and over again. Using this feature you can Geo-Target, Keyword Target, Niche Target and start conversations with people who will easily convert into paying customers! http://oursupport.zendesk.com/entries/198886-reply-campaigns-how-to-and-best-practices

Set Up RSS Feeds
Setting up your RSS feeds is simple. Just follow these easy steps and you can be automatically posting your feeds (or anyone else's feeds) to your Twitter and Facebook! You can even add a prefix of "RT" to give credit if the feed belongs to someone else, or a suffix to add a relevant hashtag or comment. http://oursupport.zendesk.com/entries/198891-how-to-use-the-rss-feed-manager

Once you've tried these features you'll be on your way to tremendous success using MarketMeSuite. If you have any questions please drop us a ticket at http://oursupport.zendesk.com or e-mail support@oursupport.zendesk.com and we'll reply to you within one business day to make sure you're taken care of!

To Your Success,

Tammy, Alan, and The MarketMeSuite Team

We love to connect personally with our customers, so you can reach Alan @Wuup and Tammy @Tammykfennell and @MarketMeSuite

© 2011 MarketMeSuite. All Rights Reserved

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