How Lee almost died (and your $300 gift)

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How Lee almost died (and your $300 gift)...

Hello Friend,

Have you ever gone white water rafting?

Maybe you've wanted to try but just never got up the nerve. One of my dreams since I was a kid was to go white water rafting. I would watch adventure shows with my mom and dad and I could imagine myself speeding down the river in that inflatable raft, navigating the rocks and hazards and having the time of my life.

But for many years I simply neglected my dream for what I thought was a very important reason: I can't swim.

But a couple years ago in Costa Rica I went white water rafting down a class III/IV rapid. This river was normally a class II (it's why I picked it as my "starter" adventure) but as we were getting our briefing we were informed that because of heavy rains it had been upgraded.

Now if you don't know the classification of rapids, according to wikipedia a Class III is "Waves numerous, high, irregular; rocks; eddies; rapids with passages clear though narrow, requiring expertise in maneuvering; scouting usually needed. Requires good operator and boat."

A class IV is much worse. Great. I was terrified!

I actually thought "if I go overboard I'm dead". But I was determined to not look like a coward in front of my kids so I geared up, took my position at the FRONT of the raft and braced myself for what was sure to be the last hour of my life. Plus our guide promised me if I went overboard he would come get me.

Here's a picture of me in the raft. Even with my guide's reassurance you can see I look completely terrified.


But planning for my life to end that day was probably a little dramatic. After it was all over all I could think of was "when can we go again?". I faced and overcame my fears and I had the TIME OF MY LIFE living my lifelong dream of traversing a raging and perilous river!

Now you're probably thinking "this is a great story but what does it have to do with me and my business?" and that's a great question.

You see, as the StomperNet team was deeply entrenched in a strategy session recently, we all started thinking about how business and rock climbing or white water rafting are so similar.
  • They can all be pretty scary.
  • If you mess up it could cost you a lot.
  • You need to have good training or at least a well-trained guide to help keep you safe.
  • And you need the right equipment and tools.
What about your business? Maybe you haven't even got the nerve up to get it off the ground. Or maybe it's a going business but it's stalled and isn't a GROWING business.

Well, StomperNet is coming to your rescue. And (unlike how expensive hobbies like rafting and rock climbing can be) it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg. (No pun intended.)

As you know, StomperNet is currently the world's largest online business community with over 1400 How-To videos and 200,000 searchable forum posts. And that just scratches the surface; there's much, much more. You can see from our pages and pages of testimonials that StomperNet has helped so many who have been looking for a way to start their online business and then also helped those who are eager to take their existing business to the next level.

StomperNet is definitely not for everyone. But maybe you haven't have the opportunity to fully see what we have to offer.

That's why I'm extending to you a one time chance to get a Stompernet SILVER membership at the introductory price of just $49 for the first month. That's a full 75% off the regular price - a savings of $150. With that, you also get a personal guided tour of the StomperNet portal with one of our Professional Coaches to help you find the path you need to improve your business.

With the guided tour, that's a total savings of almost $300.

StomperNet Silver membership comes with access to the StomperNet Portal filled with more information than you can imagine; Access to StomperNet Forums where you can ask any question regarding your business and get answers from those who have been where you are; Exclusive workshops and Workshop replays; Faculty Office Hours; and access to the extensive StomperNet Library. And that's just the beginning.

Think about it - you can't even start a hobby for just $49 (my rafting trip was more expensive). But with StomperNet we will not only help you start your business but get you on a path to make it more profitable than ever before.

So if you've never had the nerve to take that extra step, I'm giving you a way in which to take it with ease. You get a guided tour. We ARE your life jacket. You can't get a better safety net than with our 5+ years of experience creating successful online business owners.

For less than a decent pair of jeans you can get started right now. For less than taking your family out to dinner you get access to everything you need to start, build or grow your online business.

Just like my white water rafting adventure, once you get your first taste you will be back for more. I think back to my trip to Costa Rica, and what a disappointment it would have been to walk away that day and NOT live my lifelong dream. I encourage you to avoid future regret and disappointment by joining the StomperNet family right now.

We're saving you a seat in the front of the boat.

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

PS: We obviously can't hold this deal open forever, so you have until the strike of midnight eastern on October 31 to grab your SILVER membership for the price of Bronze PLUS get the guided tour from one of our trained coaches - a full $300 savings when you act right now!

StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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