[Stomper Intelligence Report] 4 Steps to the Perfect Product Page

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~Issue Number 29~
  Nov 11, 2011  [Next Issue:  Nov 18, 2011]

Hello Friend,

While I enjoy working on web design, learning how others implement web design is an essential part of my continuing education. No matter how much you know about any niche, there are always new things to learn. Plus, it's always good to keep your mind refreshed on the essential basics.

The article below is a great refresher of what is current. But even though the basics are somewhat dynamic, they modify as technology and people change. Yet the core elements of sales pages remain constant.

You always want to follow the best placement rules and good copy. Images have been a part of it for years, but now in the visual era, videos have become commonplace.

You want to reach potential buyers where they are and all of these features need to be added to your web design. If you want to turn visitors into buyers, the design needs to tell what actions to take, quickly and easily. All pages should be designed around the customer, not you.

Adam Stonehocker has more information to help your product page look great!

Talk soon!

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"It is easy to fail when designing an interactive experience. Designers fail when they do not know the audience, integrate the threads of content and context, welcome the public properly, or make clear what the experience is and what the audience's role in it will be."

~ Edwin Schlossberg ~
Founder of ESI Design


By Adam Stonehocker, for Claim the Web

Your customer has navigated into a product page and is thinking about buying. What can you do to make sure that the customer purchases from you? Good content and information will make a big difference in conversion rates, but it's important to focus on the right information. What information is found on a good product page? Let's walk through a few steps on how to create great selling product pages!

Step 1 - Keep it "Above the Fold"

Try to keep your content all in one easy-to-view page. The less scrolling that your customers have to do to investigate features and characteristics about your product, the better. Keep that "Buy Now" button in their view and always above the fold.

Many eCommerce sites now use a tab feature so that customers don't get lost when scrolling down a page to find reviews, videos, color options and so on. This a great way to allow customers to keep their eyes on the product and the "Buy Now" button.

Step 2 - K.I.S.S. (Keep it Super Simple)

With product pages, less is more. Don't clutter your page with paragraph after paragraph of descriptions, features and benefits of the product. Otherwise, you're boring your customer! Keep the product description short and concise, organize your main selling points with bullet points, and make sure to label and organize common information like weight, dimensions, material (if applicable) and other common data related to your item needs to be organized and easy to see, not hidden in the text of a long paragraph.

Step 3 - Share with Social Media

Let your customers share your products on social networks! A simple tool like "add this" will greatly enhance your customer's ability to show off their latest purchase. (Not to mention drive more traffic to your site.) If your current ecommerce software allows you to integrate social media into your product pages, make sure you turn the feature on, and that you link everything up to all your social media accounts.

Step 4 - Good Images and Video

Images and video are crucial to selling your products. Remember that customers cannot pick up your product, feel it in their hands, and hold it in front of them. Give them the next best thing: images and video. It's great to have a static image of your item, but you also need additional images to show different angles of the product or to show the item in action with a lifestyle photo. Any video that can show the product in action or illustrate all the features and details of the product is essential.

If you have the right amount of content, you'll keep your customer thinking, "Buy now!" And when you show the customer amazing pictures and video, you will see your conversion rates and sales increase.

Now that you've got great product pages, your customers are more inclined to purchase from you, rather than go check out the competition. Start to implement these 4 simple steps, and you'll see your conversion rates increase and receive far less phone calls with people confused about the product that you're offering.


To celebrate our 5th Anniversary,
we're doing something extra special for you...

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4 Web Design Tips to Convert Visitors to Buyers
  • Remember to keep it "above the fold"
  • KISS Keep it Super Simple
  • Let them share it with Social Media
  • Always use good images and video


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Nov 18, 2011

NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS: Setting Up & Automating Systems


WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2011 ~ 2 pm Eastern

"Strategic Thinking - Clarifying Your Thoughts" with Judy Whalen

Strategic Thinking helps you to explore options, get clarity and make good decisions.

Having trouble figuring out the next steps? Not sure which way to go or what decision to make? Join Judy as she shows you how strategic thinking can give you clarity, direction and confidence to pursue that direction.


THURSDAY, November 17, 2011 ~ 7 pm Eastern

"Setting Up Systems & Automating Them" with Dr. Lisa Lang

In this webinar, Dr Lisa will share the automated process they use to automatically generate leads. She will share all the details of what they do, what technology they use and all the specifics. Bring your questions about how you might get started with an automated system!

Register Now!

Have a Question? We Have ANSWERS for YOU!

"StomperNet Open Forum" Fridays at 11EST

Have questions about your business? Do you keep running into the same stumbling blocks? Do you feel like you have hit a "glass ceiling" and can't grow any further and don't know what to do?

Just bring your questions to the table during our Open Forum. With the combined training and experience of our Coaches you will get the direction you need to get you back on your road to success!

The next StomperNet Open Forum Call with our Professional Coaches happens next Friday at 11am EST and we hope to see you there! These calls are intended to be live Q&A sessions and playback will not be available.

Let us know your thoughts on today's issue.
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StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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