[Stomper Intelligence Report] Consumer Lifecycle

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~Issue Number 28~
  Nov 4, 2011  [Next Issue: Nov 11, 2011]

Hello Friend,

Typically you do not ask favors of random strangers. You do not expect strangers to hand you cash just for the sake of it. If you need something, you generally ask your friends and family. You have a relationship with them, and because of that they are more likely to help you.

Yet, in business we expect that consumers will just open their wallets and tell their friends to do the same... just because we are a business. Consider starting a relationship with your customers and clients. Just like with any relationship, it has cycles. Learning how to make these cycles work for you will help your relationship grow, which in turn helps your business.

The best part of this cycle is that once it's started, all you need to do is maintain it. The customers and clients in this relationship help keep the business moving forward and growing. A long-term arrangement like this is designed to provide both of you with mutual benefits. In Ryan Garey's article today, you will learn essential techniques on how to build relationships and why you want to start to grow that relationship marketing now.

Talk soon!

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"If you can get an edge based on how customers feel about your company, it's a much stickier--sustainable--relationship over the long haul."

~ Bob Thompson ~

CEO, CustomerThink Corporation

Consumer Lifecycle

By Ryan Garey

In a rapidly changing environment spotting and capitalizing on trends can become more and more difficult. Especially if you are a bootstrapping entrepreneur, the idea of "trends" or "forecasting" becomes laughable.

Yet, regardless of the shifting "trends" something that will never go out of style (if you're building a real business) is relationship marketing, and in a way that still makes you money!

So despite your current level in your business, let us capitalize on the atmosphere of reflection, and take a step back to see the life-blood of your business: your consumers. More specifically we will focus on the relationship between you.

The aim: higher conversion rates and cultivating better clients.

Clients that actually help you build your business with repeat sales, referrals, and glowing social media reviews rather than burying you with support issues, refunds, and scathing complaints in the social sphere for all to see! It can be much easier than you think when you have a good framework. So today I am going to reveal to you the "Three Critical Phases of The Consumer Lifecycle".

If you have any one reason to give your Consumers Lifecycle serious attention, it is this:

"If you don't have a process for what you are doing,
you don't know what you are doing."

~W. Edwards Deming

A path that ensures you make the most of every opportunity, while giving you accurate information with which you can refine a water-tight funnel; building your business with efficiency and scalability!

Each one of these stages has a number of stages within them that I have identified in the complete cycle, but it is important for YOU to build out according to your unique business model.

1. Generation to Conversion

Do you sometimes feel as though you have the best product in the world? If only more people could find out about it, then you'd be set! I think everyone goes through this "phase", until they start generating serious traffic that is!

It doesn't matter if you're in a strip mall, a business complex, or online; you will always need traffic in one form or another. The more the better, however, it is not just the amount that matters, but also the quality of the visitors (how closely what they want is aligned with what you have). Bottom line: traffic is great, but leads are better!

When put into a choreographed process, leads can "move along" a pipeline toward becoming actual customers!

During this phase it's important to educate your leads and, while educating them you can watch their behavior and find out towards which they gravitate. By focusing on relationships, their behavior, in addition to surveys and market testing, you will find that getting sales conversions become natural and easy! You will get more than just buyers; you will get the Right buyers! Buyers who actually use your product or service enough to get value!

2. Adoption to Causation

Basically, it doesn't matter how great your product is, unless people actually DO something with it, they will most likely not be coming back to you for more products, let alone give you a referral, a testimonial, or positive review online. And why should they?

It is through better adoption of your product that your consumers naturally become a causative force for you in the marketplace. This leads to more natural repeat sales, upsells, referrals and testimonials.

As more and more business are struggling with diminishing email open rates, lower quality leads, and diminishing sales, you will find more and more businesses realize the value of each and every lead and customer. So DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that just because the deal is 'closed' that the relationship has ended!

3. Affiliation to Ascension

Entire empires have been made from affiliates and affiliate marketing, but despite the vast opportunity many business owners still struggle with how to 1) Get affiliates on board and 2) get them to actually DO something! But while there is nothing wrong from going straight to affiliate networks, it would be reckless to ignore the greatest affiliate goldmine you may have: your happy customers!

As you can see, the third stage relies heavily on the efficiency of the second stage, much like the second relies on the first. Thus, if you get the right traffic (which generally comes from good affiliates, which you can grow inside your own organization) you will easily get higher-quality leads.

Higher quality leads makes getting sales much easier. With the right clients on board, they will naturally use more of what you sold making it easier on your support team. When people see actual realized value, it makes it MUCH easier to get authentic testimonials. Likewise, it is now much easier to get a referral from someone who gave you a testimonial. At this point it is surprisingly easy to turn your referral sources into full-blown affiliates!

Finally, with the right kind of motivated affiliates on board, they will see their traffic turned into a goldmine. It soon becomes easy for them to become super-affiliates who flood your sites with the perfect visitors for your products! It is actually quite easy and takes relatively very little effort to take someone to this level of ascension when you plan and act deliberately with a holistic process in mind!

It may seem complicated, but it also seems complicated to have to date a person before asking them to marry you. Thus you build a relationship, which is exactly what you need!


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Tips for a Strong Consumer Lifestyle

  • Have a process for what you are doing
  • Remember Relationships
  • Generate traffic and convert them into buyers
  • Get buyers to adopt your products (this is part of your relationship)


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Nov 11, 2011



THURSDAY, November 10, 2011 ~ 1 pm Eastern

"Top 10 Things to Include (or Not!) on Your Website" with Andrea Warner

Just because your website LOOKS great...certain aspects need to be implemented or you may be missing out on much-desired sales Join Andrea and learn the Top 10 Things to Include (or Not Include!) on Your Website to make sure you are getting the conversions you want.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 ~ 4 pm Eastern

"How To Outsource Your Business To The Philippines For $2.50 Per Hour" with John Jonas & Janak Mehta

Join Janak Mehta and John Jonas and Learn Outsourcing Like You've Never Heard It Before...

  • How to hire the best! Paying less does not mean you have to sacrifice quality. John and Janak will show you exactly what to do to find top performing employees for pennies on the dollar.

  • Spending a little to outsource will actually generate more money because you won't be tied up with menial work that someone else could do, while you could be pursuing new ventures.

  • John and Janak will reveal all the powerful tools to get your workers up to speed and working independently right away. That way you really can 'replace yourself'.

  • Discover how to hire and train individuals to do almost anything you could imagine.

  • A little known process for hiring and rewarding employees that will get you top-quality work, quick turnaround, regular communication, and tons of profit!

Register Now!

Have a Question? We Have ANSWERS for YOU!

"StomperNet Open Forum" Fridays at 11EDT

Have questions about your business? Do you keep running into the same stumbling blocks? Do you feel like you have hit a "glass ceiling" and can't grow any further and don't know what to do?

Just bring your questions to the table during our Open Forum. With the combined training and experience of our Coaches you will get the direction you need to get you back on your road to success!

The next StomperNet Open Forum Call with our Professional Coaches happens this Friday at 11am EDT and we hope to see you there! These calls are intended to be live Q&A sessions and playback will not be available.

Let us know your thoughts on today's issue.
Post Your Comments Here

StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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