StomperNet Thrives In 2011, Plans For 2012

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StomperNet Thrives In 2011, Plans For 2012

Hey Friend,

Lee here, and let me tell you - WHAT A YEAR!

As you know, this year StomperNet celebrated its 5th year in business. That's huge, especially since most companies fail within the first 5 years. And especially in the kind of economy we have had the past few years.

You probably remember the fanfare and hoopla when StomperNet first launched way back in October of 2006. Well, a lot has changed since then, but even after 5 hard years we're still the biggest and baddest online business and SEO training company in the world!

And THAT longevity, more so than even our amazing launch, is something to celebrate!

Yet it still amazes me how many folks say they don't know about everything we offer every week. So as we go into the new year let me round up everything we give to you each week along with some possible upcoming changes for 2012.

The short list below should give you some idea how busy we stay at StomperNet providing huge value and content every week for YOU:

1. We have a free weekly Q&A call every Friday at 11 ET where we spend 60-90 minutes with you to answer all your questions, and give you REAL ACTIONABLE things that you can DO to move past that obstacle. By the 2nd quarter of 2012 we will likely be adding another call in the evenings for those of you who can't make the current Friday call. Watch your email for details.

2. As you know, we have TONS of free information on our web site. Start at the StomperNet Blog, and go through the articles and you should have enough information to form a REAL SOLID basis from which to get started and succeed online. We will continue to add massive amounts of free SEO and online business information each and every week.

3. We continue to publish The Net Effect, "the Wall Street Journal of Marketing" every single month and in 2011 launched our fully interactive digital version of the magazine (as part of our "going green" effort) that has gotten RAVE reviews. It's not a pdf like the other guys do when they go digital. It's a world-class fully interactive digital magazine, with video and audio embedded right in the magazine, plus opt-ins for our advertisers right inside the magazine. Check it out, and if you want to become an advertiser, give us a call at 888.325.7845.

4. In 2011 we implemented a new and improved support ticket system where customers and non-customers can request support and assistance with rapid response. This has brought a lot of value to hundreds of people and will continue in 2012 and beyond.

5. We always have and always will give you our real office number right on our web site, that comes right to us and NOT some low-cost flunky like others. And we ALWAYS will call you back if you leave a polite and detailed message. (Try it now by dialing 888.325.7845.)

6. In 2011 we implemented a Questions tab that is available on every single page on all our websites. Have a question about something? Just ask. Even if it's not directly related to our products or services. We can answer or find an answer to pretty much any valid SEO or Online Business question you may have. (Just visit and look for the "Questions" tab on any web page.)

7. As the recognized leader in SEO and online business, we have a lot of people writing in asking our advice so, if you ask, we will give you advice on which products and programs we would buy and what isn't worth your time or money. All you have to do is ask "Is this worth it" by opening a support ticket.

8. We have weekly free public webinars where you can get insights and tips from experts in their field. You get direct access to our faculty as well as other knowledgeable experts. And this is in addition to our weekly Q&A calls already noted above.

9. In 2011 we started a new program where we create eBooks that you can read, use, sell, or just give away to build your list. Plus they are re-brandable so you get commissions on anything a referral may buy, today, next month, or next year! You can use these books to create a whole new income stream or just use the knowledge for yourself!

10. We publish 3 content emails each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. "This Week in StomperNet" on Monday is a review of the upcoming week. "StomperTip" is a content email on Wednesday, and we do another content email "Stomper Intelligence Report" on Friday.

We will continue providing content emails in 2012, with the only change being we will be combining StomperTip and Stomper Intelligence into a single newsletter that we will send out on Thursdays. (So in 2012 we will shift from a M/W/F email schedule to a Monday/Thursday schedule. This should help you since now you only have to expect 2 regular emails from us each week going forward.)

11. Plus, on top of all that, we're doing another one of our popular full 2-day "no pitching" SEO Pro workshop in March where you will walk away with all you need to know to create your own income with the 4 simple steps we teach you in SEO and local consulting!

12. And finally, the company who leads the pack in REAL SEO methods, techniques and training will be offering affordable SEO services beginning in 2012! We get dozens and dozens of inquiries each month, and it just makes sense for the world's largest SEO and online business training company to offer you these services, right? Watch your email for the exciting launch and if you're interested, put your name on the waiting list by opening a support ticket at with the subject "SEO Services".

Look, if you're one of the people who is genuinely looking to make this work, we really don't know what else to do to help you. We're already doing FAR MORE than anyone else we know! (Name one other marketing company doing more than we are! You can't because nobody is.)

And the best part -- if you're a MEMBER you get so much more with our, unmatched library of training videos, how-to videos, Office Hours, forums, members only calls, members only webinars, and more!

Maybe the reason you haven't used our services to their full capability is because you didn't know about all the things that are available to you

Now you know! And in 2012 we have a notebook full of other new programs we will be rolling out to you to help you succeed beyond your dreams!

But hey, we are realistic about it. We know we can't help everyone. And we can't please everyone.

Nor do we want to. But if you want help, if you're really trying to "make this thing work"...


We are here to help. That's what we do.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Brad, Julie, Lee, Ryan, Janet, Mary, MJ, Renee, Colton, John, Freddie and the rest of Team StomperNet

StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
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StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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