MISTAKE 4: Obsessing over Keyword Density

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7 Deadly SEO Mistakes, Part 4:
Obsessing over Keyword Density

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Good!  Because today is Part 4 of the "7 Deadly SEO Mistakes" course and you're more than halfway done!

But why are you even learning SEO?

Watch this fourth FREE Case Study Video from the StomperNet success vaults and find out.

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When you see what SEO can do, you'll know WHY.  Now let us show you HOW. :)  Click the link above to read Part 4 online (and see a Free Bonus Case Study video) or just read below.

You can always check out the video later.

Now it's time for:

Deadly SEO Mistake #4 - Obsessing over Keyword Density

Back in "the old days" of AltaVista and Inktomi, top search engine ranking could be commanded almost entirely by using on-page factors like how often your keywords are used.

The idea of stuffing your page with keywords was so easy to figure out and so easy to "game" that everybody did it! It was this mess of really bad search results that created the opening for Google to come out of nowhere and rapidly dominate search. But how did they do that?

Google doesn't use keyword density. Rather than depend on really simple on-page text analysis that never worked well in the first place, Google uses primarily off-page factors.

It is link text and PageRank that have the biggest influence on ranking and it is these two innovations that allow Google to very rapidly create better results than the other engines.

Of course, this created a whole new game called "link spam", so Google had to find ways to combine off-page and on-page factors to get the advantages of both. But rather than fall back on simple word counting, they do what humans do - they look only at the most important text.

Follow our recommendations for Title Tags and Meta Descriptions and you'll have proven to Google that your page is really about what its links say it's about. A heading tag that includes your search keywords is not a bad idea either but the vast majority of your effort in page design and the text you use should be focused on providing content that humans actually want.

What you should never be doing is counting words or measuring densities because Google simply does not care about this. Worse yet, by doing so you are likely making your copy read more poorly for humans.

The result of keyword counting is almost always unchanged rankings and ugly, non-converting, copy.

So now you see that you shouldn't be treating your keywords like some kind of seasoning, sprinkling throughout your content.

Once you've got the important factors in place, you can be free to write the BEST content you can, and worry about the HUMANS who read it, not the spiders.

And now we're going to leave your site alone for awhile, because your next lesson is about link-building.  Specifically, what you need to know to do it RIGHT.

Part 5 is coming soon to your inbox!

Until next time,
Keep Stomping!

~Andy Jenkins and the
StomperNet Faculty and Staff

Coming Next: "Deadly SEO Mistake #5:
Cache date of linking page not verified"

See The Entire
"Going Natural 6 SEO Video Series"

If you haven't already seen these videos, you're missing one of the most valubable parts of your subscription to this report series!

These eye-opening SEO videos from StomperNet faculty Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde have already been helping people just like you change their fortunes online.

It starts with "LSI is LAME!" with Leslie Rohde, and the video is available here.

Then, see "Referential Integrity Rocks" with Leslie Rohde, available right here.

Then finally, "Next Level SEO" video with Dan Thies is available right here.

These videos are free to watch and you have no obligation to buy or sign up for anything.

Don't skip this opportunity for FREE ADVICE from two of the most sought-after SEO experts in the world

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