"The Gurus Never Help Me"

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"The Gurus Never Help Me"

Hey Friend,

Lee here, and as we wrap up such a wonderfully productive week here at StomperNet, I regret doing so with a little bit of frustration.

It may or may not be directed toward you, so please read this message first before you go and get all bent out of shape.

Here we go.

-- Begin rant --

Every seminar we go to...
Lots of people on the phone...
Tons of emails we get...
Thousands of forum posts...

We hear the same complaint over and over:

"The gurus never help me. All they do is try to sell me more stuff. I'm not looking for a hand-out, but why can't someone just help me without it costing me hundreds or thousands of dollars?"

Hmmm. That may be true for some of the other people or companies, but I can't see how that possibly applies to StomperNet. We offer you content - massive amounts of free content every single week.

Let's see:

1. We have a free weekly Q&A call where we spend
60-90 minutes with you to answer all your
questions, and give you REAL ACTIONABLE things
that you can DO to move past that obstacle.

2. We have TONS of free information on our
web site. (Start at the StomperNet Blog, and
go through the articles and you should have enough
information to form a REAL SOLID basis from which
to get started and succeed online.)

And, if you think you already have a solid basis
but you're working more than 10 hours a week to
make less than $50k per year... you don't. You
need to start over because you're doing something

3. We have an "open door" support ticket
policy - where customers and non-customers
can request support and assistance and get
answers related or NOT related to our products.

4. We give you our real office number right on
our web site, that comes right to us and NOT
some low-cost flunky like others. And we ALWAYS
will call you back if you leave a polite and
detailed message. (Try it 888.325.7845)

5. We even have a Questions tab available on every
page on all our websites. Have a question about
something? Just ask. Even if it's not directly
related to our products or services. We can
answer or find an answer to pretty much any valid
SEO or Online Business question you may have.
(Look for the "Questions" tab on any web page.)

6. Plus, we're doing a full 2-day "no pitching"
SEO Pro workshop in September where you will walk
away with all you need to know to create your own
income with the 4 simple steps we teach you!

7. If you ask, we will give you advice on which programs
to buy and what isn't worth your time or money.
All you have to do is ask "Is this worth it" by
opening a support ticket.

8. We have weekly free public webinars where you can
get insights and tips from experts in their field.

9. We create eBooks that you can read, use, sell, or
just give away to build your list. Plus they are
re-brandable so you get commissions on anything a
referral may buy, today, next month, or next year!


Look, if you're one of the people who is genuinely looking to make this work, we really don't know what else to do to help you.

We're doing FAR MORE than anyone else we know!

And maybe the reason you haven't used our services to their full capability is because you didn't know about all the things that are available to you

Now you know!

I will say without hesitation, that YES our time is valuable. We can't afford to waste it. But if you genuinely want help, we have been and we are here for YOU.

Now, are we going to just give our time away? No, the same as you wouldn't. And you don't.

Time is the only resource that you can't get back.

But, if you are genuinely TAKING ACTION without making excuses, and without looking for a "magic button" (that doesn't exist) we will work with you to help you achieve your goals.

Notice I said "help YOU achieve your goals". We can't achieve them for you. You don't go to a golf pro asking them to teach you to swing and then expect them to swing for you, do you?

Are we going to stop trying to sell you stuff?

No, the same as you wouldn't. Remember, this IS how we put food on our table. We're not "playing" at this like a part-time hobby.If we don't sell stuff, we don't eat.

People complain that "nobody tries to help" but we think we're doing everything we can to help.

It's cool to be on our weekly open Q&A call and have 50-80 people on the call, but when there are only 5 people on the call it feels like our efforts are not appreciated.

Being blunt, it feels like we're being lied to.

(Ever hear the expression "feels like I'm beating my head against a brick wall"? Well, some of YOU reading this email are like that brick wall.)

You can make money, or you can make excuses.
But you can't do both!

And your excuses just ran out!

-- End rant --

Look, we know we can't help everyone. And we can't please everyone.

Nor do we want to.

We do realize this note is going to make some people mad. It's not our intention to make you mad. But if you want help, if you're really trying to "make this thing work"...


But if more people don't start attending the weekly calls, if people keep complaining they're not getting help, then we will be forced to streamline our gratis services.

So please stop complaining, and DO SOMETHING!

We are here to help. That's what we do.

Warmly and respectfully,

Brad, Julie, Lee, Ryan, Janet, Mary, MJ, Colton, Renee, John, Freddie and the rest of Team StomperNet

StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

If you purchase anything through a link in our emails, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company. This means if you buy something from a link in this email or from the website, or based on our express or implied recommendation, we may be paid a commission. It's how we pay the bills. If you want to do the same, we can show you how. Please do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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