[SEO Intelligence Report] Grow Your Business With eBooks - Part 2

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~Issue Number Twenty~
Sept 9, 2011 [Next Issue: Sept 16, 2011]

Hello Friend,

All too often we get caught up in "old sayings" that no longer apply. Like "everything that has been said has already been written". That may have been true in the 15th century, but since that quote came into use the entire Universe has completely changed. Ideas have been dis-proven and even the mindsets of entire nations have been forever altered.

So now is the perfect time to write. We're at the dawning of yet another evolution of the Information Age, where eBooks and Special Reports can carry more weight than ever. If done right.

Continue to learn how to do it right in Part 2 of "Grow Your Business With eBooks"!   (Missed Part 1? You can find it here.)

Talk soon,

Interesting Image
Lee Collins
Managing Director
StomperNet, LLC

"If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet,
then you must write it."

~Toni Morrison


By Suzanne Roese-McGee

Wednesday we discussed why you would want to create an eBook for your business...the easy way. Now that you have learned why and how to create your eBook, it's time to take a look at what to do with your eBook once it's finished!


Editing Basics

It may sound basic, but you'd be surprised how many people forgo basic editing. No...spell and grammar check in Word don't count. It's a good starting point, but it's NOT enough!! I always suggest sending your eBook out to another set of eyes before having it PDF ready for the general public. You are so close to the end, it can be hard to see simple mistakes that another set of eyes will quickly pick up. So get over yourself and let someone else read it.


A lot of clients will ask me if it's really important to get an IBSN for an eBook. My answer - YES!! For those of you who don't know what an ISBN is, it's that really long number that is above the bar code on a traditional book - on the back cover. It's called an International Standard Book Number. It's what identifies your book as uniquely yours.

It's fairly easy to obtain. There is a cost to obtain one, about $250 and you have to get 10. If you want one, you can get an ISBN from a reseller for about $50. Think about it this way though...it's an extra incentive for you to write a few more eBooks and make some more money!!

Cover Art

Now that you're convinced that you need an ISBN, you need to be convinced that you need cover art! It may seem unnecessary for an eBook, but it is indeed VERY necessary. They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but the fact of matter is your potential readers WILL often decide whether or not to read your book based on your cover. If potential readers are searching in an online bookstore, your cover art and title will influence their first impression. You need to spend the time, effort and a little money to have a professional design that conveys the message of your eBook.

The title should be able to be clearly visible in the thumbnail picture. You don't have to go fancy with the art work - clean and simple is fine. The most important factor is to have a readable title that can be seen in the thumbnail for a reader to easily understand. Don't go for a fancy clever title that leaves the reader wondering what your eBook is about...they will simply move on.


Here's what everyone really wants to know - "What can I sell my eBook for??" Of course the answer is the dreaded: It depends. Most eBooks typically sell for between $3.99 and $24.99. The information you have and your customer base together will determine the market price your eBook will bear. Look for what other eBooks in the genre and in that size range tend to go for and price your eBook for the going rate. If you price your eBook too low for the genre, you will have a lower perceived value. An informational eBook that covers scarce or difficult subject matter will sell for a higher amount. I talked a little bit about this in Part 1. My point is - do your research. Make sure you are not writing an eBook that has 2000 other titles out there. Find a GAP in the market place and fill it.


Now that you've written, edited, and priced your eBook, it's ready to go... Time to market it! So many internet marketers make the mistake of thinking that the sum and total of marketing their eBook is to showcase it on the front page of their website. WRONG!! Of course we could write a whole article JUST on how to write a squeeze page for an eBook, but were going to run through a few tips on marketing your eBook quickly here:

Join An Online Affiliate Company

Sell your eBook on Clickbank, eBay and Amazon. The more channels you have, the more money you can bring in. You went through the trouble to get your ISBN and have a great cover design, so you'd better put it to good use! E-readers are growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. It is VITAL that you get your eBook listed with the online bookstores. Do not lose this marketing opportunity.

Your Own Website

Just because we are talking about all the other opportunities doesn't mean you should overlook your own website. Remember to create the buzz before you even release it. You should be building the anticipation for weeks by putting teasers on your website. If you have a newsletter that goes out to your customer base, be sure to let them know how excited you are about the upcoming release. Be sure to offer them a discount for being loyal customers if they pre-order.

A good eBook deserves its own sales page. If you've developed a quality eBook, show it some love! Sure, you can showcase it on your website, but give it a sales page of its own with a sales funnel that gives it a chance to prove itself on its own merit! Be sure to include all the benefits to the reader, as well as a strong call to action.

Ebooks are a fantastic way to grow your business. You just want to be sure you do it right. Take the time to research your niche and find out where the gaps are. Fill those gaps and write a quality eBook. Quite often you have material from previous articles you've already used in your business! If not, consider hiring a ghostwriter. Take the time and effort to edit, purchase your unique ISBNs, design a proper cover and price it appropriately. Then market like crazy to help increase your credibility and bring in some extra revenue!


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  • Editing Basics
  • ISBN
  • Cover Art
  • Pricing
  • Join an Online Affiliate Company
  • Your Own Website


Remember: Next Stomper Intelligence Report:
Friday, Sept 16, 2011

NEXT WEEK'S FOCUS: Local Marketing


MONDAY, September 12th @ 7pm Eastern

"How To Build a $250,000 Local Marketing Firm & Succeed All the Way to the Bank"
with Blake Goodwin

Join Blake Goodwin as he goes into strategies and techniques to have business owners literally throwing $5,000 $10,000 and $15,000 checks at you! Register Now!

WEDNESDAY, September 14th @ 8pm Eastern

Local Marketing Webinar
with Scott Gallagher

More info coming soon! Register Now!

*NEW* "StomperNet Open Forum" Fridays at 11EDT

We know everyone has questions about their business or different stumbling blocks. Well we invite you to bring them to the table during our Open Forum. With the combined training and experience of our Coaches you will get the direction you need to get you back on your road to success!

The next StomperNet Open Forum Call with our Professional Coaches happens next Friday at 11am EDT and we hope to see you there! These calls are intended to be live Q&A sessions and playback will not be available.

Let us know your thoughts on today's issue.
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StomperNet. Empowering Your Online Success.
StomperNet, LLC 3379 HWY 5 Suite A Douglasville, Georgia 30135 United States (888) 325-7845

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